đź“ą Do Video Editors Need to Know How to Use a Camera?

Jordan P. Anderson
2 min readMay 31, 2022


Do you have to be a shooter AND editor in order to succeed?

âś… Answer: In most cases, yes.

You’re going to have to shoot and edit for clients. It’s not always required but let’s take it from your client’s perspective.

Your Video Clients are…

❌ Busy

❌ They don’t know a ton about video

❌ They want this project done quickly (& under budget)

⚡ The All-in-One Shooter/Editor is a minimum requirement.

Now imagine, you tell your clients that you ONLY edit videos.

Smaller clients might faint on the spot when you give the news.

Because now, they have to go find another videographer or production house that can shoot the video — to then hand it off to you the editor. Not happening.

For smaller clients, that means two quotes, two consultation calls, two invoices, and two contacts. Nope.

You would rather find an all-in-one shooter/editor.

So if you’re just an editor, here’s how to start becoming All-in-One:

đź’ˇ Be enough to get the job done.

âś… Compensate for your lack of skills.

âś… Get good enough at camerawork and lighting to get by.

âś… Get good enough at recording audio to get by.

And then wow your clients with your editing superpowers. A great editor can make any BAD footage look good.

If you want to see early success in your editing career, then you need to learn how to shoot, light AND edit.

The answer’s yes: Go buy a camera rig and start practicing your camerawork.

Early on, your clients can’t afford a fully built-out production. They can only afford you: the shooter/editor.

