How to Ask HIGHLY Effective Questions When You Meet Your Idol
Thanks to Twitter, we all have direct access to the world’s greatest achievers. Simply ping them once or twice, and they’ll respond.
So you’ve got ONE chance to ask ONE question — what do you say?
What most average Andys do is ask something either too deep or too shallow.
- What is your morning routine?
- What do I have to do to make money like you?
- What do you think the world will look like in 5 years?
The quality of your question determines the quality of your life.
So, when we’re about to Tweet at Bluecheck Elon or Chris or Amy, what are we supposed to ask?
What if I told you that there’s a formula for HIGHLY effective questions?
Introducing…The 3-Part Mastermind Formula
🌟 Context + Selfish + Actionable
🌟 CONTEXT — What’s your situation?
This builds the frame for the two of you to work within. It’s the fence for conversation.
I’m a software engineer with 10 years experience…
I’m a filmmaker who just graduated from college…
🌟 SELFISH — What do YOU want to know?
You are not a journalist. Stop asking questions that the “world wants to know”.
Don’t Ask:
What do you think the world will look like in 5 years?
I want to get better at creating YouTube videos…
I want to be a AirBnb hosts…
🌟 ACTIONABLE — Boots on the ground.
Asking to get someone’s thoughts on a subject is too soft of an approach. This is your magic Genie moment. And you’ve got ONE wish.
Great ways to make things actionable:
Use timeframes — …in the next 12 months…
Use step-by-step — …top 3 things to focus on…
Context + Selfish + Actionable
CONTEXT: I’m a filmmaker who just graduated college…
SELFISH: I want to get better at creating YouTube videos…
ACTIONABLE: What are the top 3 things I should focus on?
If you found this valuable:
1. Toss me a follow for more threads on YouTube and video strategy → @JordanPAnderson
2. If you want to fast track your video editing career: